import math
18) math.sqrt(
Lukman Aliyu Jibril
August 15, 2023
Symbolic computation is a powerful approach in mathematics and computer science that deals with manipulating expressions and equations in their symbolic form. Unlike numerical computation, where values are approximated and manipulated, symbolic computation focuses on maintaining expressions with variables, allowing for precise mathematical manipulation. In this article, we will delve into symbolic differentiation using the popular SymPy library in Python.
When approximating the square root of 18, you might typically use the math module in Python:
However, this result is an approximation. To work symbolically, we turn to SymPy:
SymPy provides an exact symbolic representation of the square root of 18. You can also evaluate this expression numerically to a specified number of decimal places:
In SymPy, expressions are built using symbols. Here’s an example of creating a symbolic expression corresponding to the mathematical expression \(2x^{2}-xy\) :
With symbolic expressions, you can perform various manipulations, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication:
Expressions can also be expanded and factored using the expand and factor functions, respectively.
You can substitute specific values into expressions using the evalf method:
This allows you to evaluate expressions as functions:
To evaluate a symbolic function for each element of an array, you need to make it NumPy-compatible:
SymPy excels in symbolic differentiation. Finding derivatives is straightforward:
SymPy handles standard functions and applies necessary rules for differentiation:
9*cos(3*x) - 2*exp(-2*x)
You can even differentiate the symbolic expression from before and make it NumPy-friendly:
Despite its advantages, symbolic differentiation has limitations. Complex expressions might lead to inefficient or unevaluable results. For example, consider differentiating \(|x|\) :
(re(x)*Derivative(re(x), x) + im(x)*Derivative(im(x), x))*sign(x)/x
Evaluating we get:
\(\displaystyle - \left. \frac{d}{d x} \operatorname{re}{\left(x\right)} \right|_{\substack{ x=-2 }}\)
Numerical differentiation approximates derivatives using nearby points and is available through libraries like NumPy. This approach focuses on function evaluation rather than symbolic expressions:
NumPy provides the np.gradient
function for numerical differentiation:
import numpy as np
x_vals = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y_vals = np.sin(x_vals)
derivatives = np.gradient(y_vals, x_vals)
[ 0.99830036 0.99321184 0.97799815 0.95281439 0.91791729 0.8736626
0.82050147 0.75897585 0.68971295 0.61341886 0.53087135 0.44291195
0.35043734 0.25439024 0.15574979 0.05552157 -0.04527265 -0.14560535
-0.2444537 -0.34080999 -0.43369194 -0.52215268 -0.6052904 -0.68225756
-0.75226954 -0.81461261 -0.86865122 -0.91383447 -0.94970177 -0.97588745
-0.99212457 -0.99824762 -0.99419416 -0.98000551 -0.95582633 -0.92190311
-0.87858166 -0.82630363 -0.76560196 -0.69709546 -0.62148251 -0.53953394
-0.45208516 -0.36002765 -0.2642999 -0.16587777 -0.06576463 0.03501895
0.13544553 0.23449132 0.33114663 0.4244261 0.51337882 0.59709797
0.67473008 0.74548374 0.80863767 0.86354805 0.9096551 0.94648879
0.97367362 0.99093247 0.99808939 0.99507142 0.98190932 0.95873728
0.92579151 0.88340789 0.83201848 0.77214717 0.7044043 0.62948048
0.54813951 0.46121059 0.36957993 0.27418163 0.17598823 0.07600073
-0.02476154 -0.12527139 -0.22450417 -0.32144828 -0.41511542 -0.50455072
-0.58884245 -0.6671313 -0.73861917 -0.80257728 -0.85835363 -0.9053796
-0.9431758 -0.97135691 -0.98963566 -0.9978257 -0.99584353 -0.98370937
-0.96154691 -0.92958209 -0.88814077 -0.86509787]
Symbolic computation with SymPy offers a versatile way to manipulate mathematical expressions and perform differentiation symbolically. While powerful, it has limitations in handling complex expressions and might lead to inefficient computations. Numerical differentiation, on the other hand, provides an alternative for cases where symbolic computation might fall short. By combining these techniques, you can effectively explore and analyze mathematical functions in Python.