I became interested in Python about a year after I started my first full time job. I just felt that I should have some programming skills since I work with the internet and a laptop almost all the time. I started taking some informal courses on different platforms.
I remember briefly attempting the ‘Data Analysis with Python certification’ on Freecodecamp but I never got to complete it. My interest was still there but I never took the next step. I then took the Google Data Analytics certification on coursera where I got introduced to R. After that, I took the IBM Data Science 10-course specialization and I got my first contact with Python. I learnt but I did not practice enough and after a few months, I only knew the basics but I could not apply the concepts to build projects on my own. The IBM Data Science Certificate was quite Pythonic as out of the ten courses in the specialization, five were Python courses:
- Python for data science
- Data Analysis with Python
- Python project for data science
- Data Visualization with Python
- Machine Learning with Python
In the end, I didn’t have a clear pathway to a future but I am happy that I am now in a fellowship with a community that can support me as I strive to achieve the programming goal. Alhamdulillah.