Lukman Jibril Aliyu

Welcome to My Personal Website

My name is Lukman Jibril Aliyu. I am a professional with a background in Pharmacy and expertise in Biomedical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence. This website showcases my projects, publications, and professional journey. Feel free to explore!

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Latest Updates

  • September 2024: Won 3rd place in the Data Science for Health Ideathon at the Deep Learning Indaba, 2024.
  • August 2024: Earned the “Devotee” badge on the DeepLearning.AI Forum for participating consistently for 365 consecutive days.
  • August 2024: Selected as a Mentor by DeepLearning.AI and Coursera for the Tensorflow Developer Professional Certificate as a result of my insightful contributions as a course tester.
  • November 2023: Presented our research paper: Analyzing COVID-19 Vaccination Sentiments in Nigerian Cyberspace: Insights from a Manually Annotated Twitter Dataset, at the International Conference on Computing and Advances in Information Technology (ICCAIT).
  • May 2023: Second place in the Cohere AI Hack for developing a language alignment tool.